Please fill out this form if you would like to add your self-help support group to our database or change the description of a group already listed.

Form fields with an asterisk (*) are required to be filled in.

If you prefer, you can request a copy of this form by sending an email to 


♦ Mutual aid, members helping members, is evident
♦ Composed of peers (persons sharing a similar life situation)
♦ Primarily run by and for the members who have a sense of ownership of the group
♦ Group is voluntary and non-profit. There are no fees for service (but minimal donations are fine).

Groups not included: Civic, ethnic, fraternal, housing, cultural, political, church or neighborhood.

Support Group Form
Please enter your first name!
Enter your last name
If Applicable
Enter your mailing address
Including Area Code
Please enter your email!
Enter Website URL if you have one
Enter a general description of your group including mission, goals, activities
Explain the reason for dues
i.e. Founder, Leader, Member, etc.

Check here if to verify you have answered these questions to the best of your knowledge. If this is a new group, we will contact you before publishing it online.